Transmestizx tells a story of women and generations, of the relations between Quechas and Mestizos, in the changing landscapes of the valley of Cayambe, Ecuador, birthplace of the country's indigenous movements and former stronghold of the power of the landowners.
As the users walk the circle of the installation they confront the divergent memories that simultaneously inhabit this territory, their presence evoking images and testimonies, clashes and meetings, relations that continue to profoundly affect the possibility of a new interculturality.
In a series of meetings organised by the artist during the development of the work, participants explored themes related to mestizaje and the "possibility of trans" to break with the colonial and heteropatriarchal relations inherent in the regime of mestizaje in the Andes. This process culminated with the transmestizx residence of 15 artists in Upayakuwasi, Cayambe, documented in a video in 360 and a book that accompany the installation.
Transmestizx is an ongoing interactive audiovisual project developed in Quito with free software and low cost hardware. In 2016 it was first shown in the Centro of Contemporary Art in Quito and then travelled to Bogotá as part of the Extended Cinema section of MIDBO.